Should Christians Invest in Bitcoin? I receive this question frequently, and it seems to stem from a desire to shift the responsibility of conducting personal research. Having someone dictate what to do appears easier, as it relieves the need for individual thought. Furthermore, in case of any mishaps, the blame can be conveniently placed on the advice-giver. Proof of Work I could simply assert, "Yes, Christians should invest in bitcoin ... Read More about Should Christians Invest in Bitcoin?
Is Bitcoin the Mark of the Beast? Name a more controversial and speculative biblical concept than the infamous "Mark of the Beast"... I'll wait; go ahead, do it! There's no shortage of speculation, some interesting and some just flat out wacky! From government-enforced barcodes, QR codes, to implantable computer chips and AI brain implants, there's no limit to the possibilities. Yet despite all this, if we just simply interpret Revelation 13 using Scripture — you know, the ... Read More about Is Bitcoin the Mark of the Beast?
What Jesus Really Said About Taxation Ask most Christians what they think about taxes, and they'll likely repeat the words of our Lord, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" and stop there. But what did Jesus mean by that statement? Does it mean what most people intend when they quote it? Is Jesus really telling us to just suck it up and pay our taxes? Or is there something deeper going on here? The taxation conspiracy The Pharisees gathered together to conspire on how they might ... Read More about What Jesus Really Said About Taxation